3 Tips To Get Your Workouts In When You Have No Time
Whether you have time to work out or not you’ve used the excuse “I don’t have time.”
It’s the number one excuse for not exercising.
It starts with missing one workout, then missing one week, then the next thing you know it’s been months.
And you’re starting over again. Missed workouts add up fast.
So how can you stay as consistent as possible even if you cannot perform your exact workout or put in as much time as usual?
Here are three tips to help you maintain your workout routine even while you are on holiday, super busy, and short on time.
Tip #1 – Shorten The Workout
Instead of skipping your strength workout because you’re short on time shorten your workout.
Here are multiple ways you can shorten your workout without compromising the results and quality of it,
Do one set of every exercise
Skip the breaks in between each exercise. Instead of resting in between sets of exercises do one set and move on to the next exercise. Go through each exercise at a relatively fast pace and rest when you’ve completed the circuit. This requires that you have all of your equipment set up beforehand but it’s also a great cardio workout.
Reduce the number of reps
If you have a favorite exercise and want to do multiple sets, reduce the number of reps to reduce your overall workout time.
Reduce your rest period
You should always follow a set time for rest to work on your endurance while strength training. Use a timer for your breaks and challenge yourself by shortening your rest period. Make sure you’re using good form.
Perform fewer exercises to failure
If you only have time to do a couple of exercises then it’s useful to get the most out of those sets and perform close to failure.
Failure means that it’s not possible to do another rep with good form and technique. Close to failure means you end a set when you are only able to do one more rep safely.
To have an effective, quality workout in a short period of time push each set hard and leave 1 to 2 reps left on the table.
Tip #2 – Shorten the Number Of Workouts
Most workout programs require 3-5 days a week of workouts and require at least a 12-week commitment to start seeing results.
If you know you’re going to be busy in the next few months with other obligations then choose a workout program that requires less time commitment.
It will take you longer to get results but what’s important is that you’re showing up consistently to build the habit. That means a 20-minute workout counts just as much as a 45-minute workout.
The point is that you’re showing up consistently.
If you’re traveling don’t opt out of your workouts just work out less often or shorten your workout like in Tip #1.
But if finding a well-equipped gym is going to be a challenge then you can switch to bodyweight workouts like the example below,
Sample bodyweight exercise program.
Perform the exercises in order A1 to A5 with no rest between exercises and set a maximum 1 min break between completed circuits. Do 3-5 rounds as time permits.
Tip #3 – Shorten Your Warm-Ups
Only perform workout-specific warm-ups and do your mobility exercises while on break.
For instance, if you’re doing weighted squats start with bodyweight squats. Do a few warm-up sets to prepare for your working set. You’ll find that your actual squat workout will feel better because your warm-up is directly related to the movement you’re performing for your exercise.
Applying these tips can help you squeeze in a quality, effective workout even if it feels like you don’t have time.
Candace is the owner of Rhodes To Strength. She provides weight loss and mindset coaching services to women around the world so that they keep the pounds off for good. She believes in working with clients to create sustainable habits that work for their lifestyle.
You can find her rollerskating, hiking, and bird watching in her spare time.